Angel Devil Productions partnered with New York production company Intrinsic Value to produce Missing In America (MIA), an independent feature film by first time writer-director Gabrielle Savage Dockterman. MIA stars Danny Glover (The Color Purple, Lethal Weapon series, The Royal Tenenbaums), Ron Perlman (Hellboy, Blade II, City of Lost Children), Linda Hamilton (The Terminator, Terminator2, Beauty and the Beast), newcomer Zoë Weizenbaum (recently cast in the upcoming
Memoirs of a Geisha), and David Strathairn (L.A. Confidential, The River Wild, Dolores Claiborne).

The film was shot on 35mm in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Washington, D.C., by cinematographer Ken Kelsch, ASC (Big Night, The Bad Lieutenant, Medium). It was produced by Dockterman and producing partners Isen Robbins and Aimee Schoof (Brother to Brother, XX/XY). Sheldon Mirowitz (The Nazi Officer's Wife, Troublesome Creek - A Midwestern) composed the original score.

[Photo by Simon K. Hunt.]

Running time: 102 minutes
Aspect ratio 1.85:1
Shooting Format: 35mm